Why Make The Switch To Vaping This January
With the arrival of a new year, an estimated over 3 million of us are aiming to cut out smoking this January. Numerous health organisations and initiatives have heavily advocated for the use of vaping to significantly help to kick the habit, as seen by PHE’s (Public Health England) recent study into the effects of inhaling tobacco smoke and vapour.We’ll be taking a look at five reasons as to why vaping is the way to go when quitting and how it could save much more than just your life.
Let's start with the obvious; smoking remains the largest cause of preventable death worldwide, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and angina whilst being directly linked to 72% of lung cancer deaths in the UK alone. It’s universally accepted that smoking tobacco is inherently damaging to your body, whereas vaping has been shown to be 95% less harmful. The e-liquids in vaping devices do not contain the nasty tar and toxins of conventional cigarettes that are the chemicals which can cause harm to your body, therefore the benefits of vaping are extensive.
Whilst nicotine remains an addictive substance, the damaging effects are relatively minimal compared to the alarming level of carcinogens and hazardous chemicals in tobacco. So whilst it’s nicotine that your body becomes hooked to when smoking, it's not the compound that damages your body fundamentally. Fortunately, the majority of eliquids have with the option of coming pre-mixed with nicotine or with nicotine booster shots, making it an easy transition from smoking to vaping without the inevitable detrimental effect on your health.
The cost of smoking grows year on year, and when calculated it makes for startling statistics, as evidenced in our recent cost-benefit analysis animation explaining the effects on your wallet.
If you smoked a 20 pack a day, it would subtract a whopping £300 a month from your savings. On the other hand, If you made the switch to vaping, there'd be the one-off cost of a starter kit - on average around £25, then per month the cost of purchasing 120ml of eliquid and a five pack of replacement coils, coming to £73 altogether, meaning after the first month, on average you'll be saving a huge £252 a month. Think of what you could be doing with that extra cash each month!
Whilst many tobacco companies pride themselves on delivering a premium, more cultivated taste than others, it’s fair to assume that the overall tobacco flavour is relatively generic across the board. Vaping however, promotes an abundance of flavours and tastes to suit everyone’s palate. From layered dessert blends to tropical fruit medleys, the opportunities are endless and are designed with the user's preference for certain flavours and strengths at the forefront of production. This means that whatever floats your boat, we probably have it in our handy eliquid finder.
The laws behind vaping in public areas are relatively inconsequential and it's usually down to the vapers discretion as well as consideration for other people in the room, as to whether it’s acceptable to vape in an enclosed space. Many people wrongly believe that inhaling secondary vapour production is as harmful as tobacco smoke, however this is not the case at all with no evidence suggesting that passive vaping is damaging whatsoever. Aside from this, the overall public opinion sees vaping as far more convenient and socially preferred to smoking. More and more bars and restaurants allow vaping indoors (although it’s always best to check beforehand as it’s down to the specific venue’s policy), which in turn could save you the journey of going to the smoking area and awkwardly stinking of cigarettes.
As you can see, the difference switching to vaping will make in your life is massive. Not only will you save money, it will also have a positive effect on your health and lifestyle in general. For more information, on starting vaping please don’t hesitate to contact us.