The 2023 UK Employee Health, Wellbeing and Habits Study
This report was created by disposable vape and vape kit retailer Vape Club. If using any of the imagery from the report, please provide a credit link to this page as the original source.
There's been an increasing focus on employee wellbeing in recent decades, and certainly since the global health crisis flipped the working world on its head in 2020. From supporting smoking cessation to office setups that encourage healthy living, policies set by companies now have a direct impact on employee health, wellbeing and habits outside the workplace.
But is expectation meeting reality in UK workplaces? Which industries are truly enabling positive employee health, wellbeing and lifestyle habits? Or is the gap widening between the companies supporting their employees and the ones that aren't?
To answer this, we surveyed over 1,000 employees, across the UK, for insight into their health status over the last year. We wanted to discover how the workplace impacts their health and wellbeing, and how UK companies can better support their workforce in this area.
Key findings:
- 79% of UK workers experienced worsening physical or mental health at one stage over the last 12 months
- Twice as many employees experienced worsening mental health, compared to those that experienced improving mental health
- Mental health issues were also found to be more than twice as common as physical problems
- Work is the biggest cause of mental health concerns in the UK
- Heightened anxiety is the most common health problem overall
- Women are twice as likely as men to work through illness
- Smokers are 20% more susceptible to excessive stress
- Almost all (93%) London workers have worsening physical or mental health
What does the current health picture look like?
The big picture from our data tells us that the majority of UK employees are have experienced stable or improving physical and mental health over the last year. The mental health of almost two-thirds (63%) stayed the same or changed for the better. Similarly, 67% of UK employees said their physical health over the last year had either improved or remained at the same level.
However, the data also highlights that there remains a significant portion of the population who are contending with worsening health. One in three (34%) UK employees state their mental health has become worse in the last year — compared to 19% who say it's better. When it comes to physical health, 31% state that it's deteriorated, whereas 22% have seen an improvement.
With large portions of the UK workforce suffering worsening health, employers must act early to help their staff.
Which work-related health concerns are most common?
There is a hidden mental health epidemic in the UK. Over the last year, employees here are twice as likely to have struggled with mental health as physical health issues (28% mental vs 13% physical).
Of those with mental health issues, 15% had problems due to work, while 11% experienced poor mental health because of pressures in their personal lives.
When asked about specific impacts in the last year, more than three-quarters of UK employees (79%) said they've experienced at least some decline in physical or mental health due to their work, including:
- Increased anxiety: 33%
- Back/neck pain: 32%
- Periods of excessive stress: 26%
- Insomnia: 23%
- Worsening eyesight: 9%
What are the differences between men and women?
In the last year, female employees have disproportionately experienced work-related health implications. They're some four times more at risk of mental health issues due to pressures at home, suggesting a poor work/life balance among many women.
Whether the cause is home or work life, they're 54% more likely to suffer raised anxiety, 42% more susceptible to insomnia and 17% more at risk from excessive stress. Sore backs, shoulders or necks are 58% more probable in women than men, and other physical health concerns were 60% more likely in women.
Despite all this, female employees are twice as likely as men to work through health issues, rather than taking sick leave. By encouraging women to rest and recover properly when ill, companies can help to improve their health and prevent longer term illness.
How are working and lifestyle habits affecting health?
It's an employer's duty to make sure the workplace doesn't affect their employees' health and wellbeing. Yet, a quarter of the employees we asked said their workplace had a negative impact on their health. 15% struggled with work-related mental health issues and 10% had experienced physical health problems as a result of work.
The impact of lifestyles and habits on employees' health, however, is another matter.
While the physical health implications of smoking are well known, smokers' mental health can also suffer. Almost a third (30%) of smokers in our survey had experienced periods of excessive stress due to work, 20% higher than non-smokers.
One in five workers experienced worsening mental health due to work, and these employees were twice as likely to increase their alcohol intake.
Employees who do at least 2.5 hours of exercise a week are less likely to experience negative physical or mental effects from being at work. The same applies to employees who don't sit for more than eight hours a day at work. By sitting for longer than eight hours, one in five UK employees are putting their health in the 'high' to 'very high' risk category.
Working through illness
Also known as presenteeism, working while unwell can lead to other health issues or prolong the existing condition. However, this survey reveals that over the last year, 17% of UK employees have worked while physically unwell. This number rises to 22% working while mentally unwell.
According to The British Psychological Society, this can:
- Increase burnout risk
- Threaten coworker health
- Contribute to cardiovascular disease, anxiety and depression
- Lead to detachment from the role
- Result in mistakes at work
What workplace or economic factors are damaging physical and/or mental health?
With millions of UK employees suffering from deteriorating physical or mental health, what are the issues driving the decline that employers might be able to change?
Each mode of working has its own challenges. Those working in the office are twice as likely as homeworkers to miss out on regular 'microbreaks' or natural sunlight at their desk. They're also the most likely group to experience bullying or colleague discrimination.
People working from home, on the other hand, are most at risk of isolation. One in five of them spends more than eight hours a day sitting and/or looking at a screen, leading to the kind of sedentary lifestyle that can cause health problems.
Hybrid working seems to blend the worst of both approaches. Hybrid employees are the most likely to work outside of contracted hours and the most likely to spend more than eight hours a day sitting at their screens.
Where is employee health suffering most?
Greater London
There are concerns over higher health risk factors in the capital, when compared to other UK regions. At some point over the last year, 93% of workers in the Greater London area have experienced a decline in either their physical or mental health.
Almost a third (32%) of London's employees have suffered from mental health issues in that time - more than anywhere else in the country. Plus, nearly a fifth (17%) of them say these issues are caused by work - more than twice as many who lay the blame on home or lifestyle pressures.
London's workers are more likely to be bullied or discriminated against than employees anywhere else in the UK: 12% in London said this was a problem they had.
Cost of living squeezes are also affecting London badly. The city has the second-highest proportion (21%) of employees skipping lunch and the second-highest percentage (18%) of people cancelling health-related memberships. At the same time, 1 in 10 London employees is a social smoker: more than any other UK region.
How can London businesses help?
Physical health:
- A third of London's workers feel incentives provided by their company fail to make a difference to their physical health
- More than one in eight people work for employers who provide no support for their physical health
- Only around a quarter of workers are happy with company benefits designed to improve physical health
Mental health:
- 29% of people work for companies with ineffective mental health support
- 17% have no access to support at all
- Just over a fifth (22%) say their company actively looks after their mental health, with regular and clear initiatives that make an impact
Almost a third (31%) of employees in Scotland have struggled with their mental health at some point over the last 12 months — double the number experiencing physical health issues. For both physical and mental health, three times as many Scottish workers said it had deteriorated as said it had improved.
One in eight employees with declining mental health highlighted work pressures as a key factor. Adding to the problem, Scotland has the highest level of presenteeism in the UK. More than a quarter of employees have worked while experiencing poor mental health, twice the number of any other region.
How can Scottish businesses help?
Companies in Scotland have the most to gain from supporting employees' physical and mental health.
- Over half (56%) of workers said they would feel more productive at work if their employer provided support with their health - the highest proportion of any region
- Two in five (40%) employees also stated they would be more engaged within their role if this support was in place
- To alleviate mental health issues, most employees in Scotland (44%) identified training for managers as a way to prevent stressful working environments
- A third (33%) wanted stress management skills training for workers
Other regions
Wales — Employees in Wales are the least likely UK workers to suffer mental health problems. Though a fifth (19%) still say they have struggled at some point over the last 12 months. However, employees in Wales are the most likely to work while on annual leave, with one fifth doing so.
Northern Ireland — Nearly a third (31%) of employees in Northern Ireland have experienced mental health problems in the last year. And along with Scotland, Northern Ireland is home to the loneliest employees: a quarter (25%) have expressed this feeling.
South East — Over 40% of people in the South East have suffered with increased anxiety in the last year - and a third have had to deal with excessive stress.
North West — A quarter of employers in the North West fail to look after employees' physical health, with a fifth ignoring mental health concerns.
West Midlands — On average, employees in the West Midlands are twice as likely to smoke regularly than workers elsewhere, posing unique health risks for people in the region.
East Midlands — Employees here are the least active in the UK, with only one in seven workers getting 2.5 hrs of exercise a week.
Which sectors pose the greatest health risks to employees?
Routine and manual sectors vs professional
Our research finds that professional office workers are being driven into the ground by overwork, exposing the UK workforce to subtle yet serious damage to their physical and mental health.
However, the greatest impact on overall health has been seen in the routine and manual industries. Declining mental/physical health is twice as likely as improving health for employees in these industries.
Specific sectors
Mental health remains a hidden problem across various UK employment sectors. In the following sectors, workers have reported poor mental health over the last 12 months, citing work pressures and working environments as the cause:
Sales, media and marketing
- Almost a quarter (23%) of employees detailed mental health issues due to workplace pressures, nearly five times the 5% experiencing physical health concerns
- A fifth (20%) spoke of work-induced mental health issues — double those with physical health concerns arising from work
- Declining mental health was three times more common than improving mental health
- Legal professionals were twice as likely as the average employee to work on days off
- 18% had work-related mental health problems, almost twice as many as suffered physical health concerns because of workplace pressures
- Worsening physical health twice as common as improving physical condition
- Healthcare workers are the second most likely employees to work through a physical illness: a fifth (21%) do so
Retail, catering and leisure
- 17% reported mental health concerns due to work pressures: almost twice as many as the 9% who cited physical health problems
Architecture, engineering and building
- 17% said they'd had mental or physical health issues due to work: four times as many as employees with non-work-related health problems
- Teachers were likely to work through physical illness than anyone else: a quarter (24%) had done so in the last year
- Many (27%) have also worked while mentally unwell
- These employees were the most likely group to work through mental illness: almost a third (31%) have done so in the last year
How can companies better support employee health?
A huge majority of 85% want their company to be more proactive in boosting employee health, wellbeing and healthy habits.
A third (33%) believe training managers to provide better support is the answer. A similar proportion of workers (32%) see a need for promoting the use of sick leave when people are ill. While a quarter of employees want access to stress management training.
...and what benefits will this have for companies?
Ways to quit the smoking habit - how to get help
With many workers' physical health declining, quitting smoking is one way that people could make a real difference to their lives. This survey has also revealed that mental health problems are more common among smokers, with excessive, work-related stress 10% more prevalent in smokers.
The good news for smokers looking to kick the habit is that there's more help available than ever. The NHS has a wealth of information available, as well as free stop smoking services, which include one-to-one advice, group support and aids to help to quit. Many people now use vaping to help them quit smoking.
With so many people affected by mental health issues, it's also vital that people know where they can access mental health support.
- Mental health charity Mind has been offering support to people for more than 70 years
- NHS urgent mental health helplines are available 24/7
- Hub of Hope lists local services based on your location and needs